Professor of Research Practice, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Courriel : peter.cornwell[at]

Peter Cornwell
Peter Cornwell
Peter Cornwell is Professor of Research Practice at SOAS, University of London; a research fellow at the Institute of East Asian Studies ENS-Lyon, and CEO of Data Futures GmbH. He is also visiting professor at the Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture at the University of Westminster and Expert Advisory Board member for the EU Research and Innovation action in Biodiversity 101007492. His research focus is the intersection of cultural and engineering factors which affect preservation of research data. Previously he has been director of R&D for Texas Instruments Industrial Systems Europe and CEO of Division Incorporated, a California IPO. He contributed to development of the Manufacturing Automation Protocol and OpenGL standards and currently leads IIIF and annotation infrastructure for the InvenioRDM open repository platform with CERN in Geneva.


* Chair, Data Futures GmbH, Leipzig, HRB 38130
* Community lead for IIIF and Oxford Common File Layout in CERN InvenioRDM
* Co-PI Swiss National Science Foundation grant 100011_184860/1 « Divisive Power of Citizenship »
* European co-chair, Research Data Alliance Group on Preservation Tools Technologies & Policies
* Expert Advisory Board member, BiCIKL EU Research and Innovation action in Biodiversity 101007492

Domaines disciplinaires

Data Science, Management, Media Theory, Software Engineering.


Organizational change management, data forensics and sustainability of digital infrastructures.

Projet de recherche

Automatic generation and versioning of OCFL archives in InvenioRDM corpus repositories.

Publications récentes

Progress with Improving Preservation and Reuse of Scientific Research Data  iPRES 2021 – 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Beijing, China. Cornwell, P., with Agosti, D., Benichou, L., Gonzalez, J., Herren, M., Ruch, P.

Langues étrangères pratiquées
