13 March 2020

Séminaire de l’IAO. Debate over “comfort women” and public memories in Taiwan

Vendredi 13 mars 2020, Salle de réunion de l’IAO (D4.070), de 14h à 15h30
Intervenant : Mamié Misawa

Mamié Misawa est Professeure à l’université Nihon (Tokyo), historienne du Taiwan colonial et spécialiste d’histoire du cinéma. Actuelle présidente de la Société japonaise des études taiwanaises, elle est professeure invitée à l’ENS de Lyon.

Speaking of the Japanese military’s sexual slavery “comfort women”, discussions have been centered on the Korean victims, although there also have existed Taiwanese victims. Why is it harder to receive the voices from Taiwan? This involves the difficulty of forming public memories among different ethnic groups in the process of pursuing the transitional justice of Taiwan after the democratization. This lecture summarizes the quarter-century debate over “comfort women” issue in Taiwanese newspapers since the emergence of the issue and examines the difference between two documentary films which depicted Taiwanese survivors of former “comfort women” in 1998 and in 2015.

13 March 2020, 14h0015h30
ENS de Lyon, Site Descartes
15 Parvis René Descartes 69007 Lyon
Métro Ligne B Debourg
Séminaire de Mamié MISAWA, , Debate over “comfort women” and public memories in Taiwan.