Reconstructing East Asian Modern Cultural History

17 October 2023 par Admin IAO
Workshop - Lundi 23 octobre 2023

Salle Léon Vandermeersch, 481C, 4th floor, building C, 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75013, Paris

Arnaud Nanta, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, membre de l'IAO, sera président de séance le matin et participera à la table ronde de l'après-midi.

Avec le soutien de la Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de l'Université Paris Cité, du Département des Langues et Civilisations de l'Asie Orientale et du CRCAO (UMR 8155).


The workshop “Reconstructing Modern East Asian Cultural History. A Dialogical Approach” is aimed at stimulating a new interdisciplinary and international cooperation on the question of modernity in East Asia through a cross-cultural lens. We highlight the construction of multiple knowledges (in fields such as administration, art, visual cultures, literature, medicine, music, political thought, urbanity), addressing the ways in which life in a “hybrid cultural community” is mutually shaped in the context of modernity, empire and globalization, and this beyond a one-sided approach to what “savants” do to “others”. The focus on intercultural dynamics brings a particular attention to the development of networks enabling actors to mobilize and share diverse resources, as well as to processes of rationalization and internalization in the framework of “laboratories of modernity”.

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