The E-Mobility Future in the Carsharing Systems in France and Japan

17 May 2019 par Admin IAO
9-10 May 2019, Yveline Lecler, Emeritus Professor at SciencesPo Lyon (University of Lyon) and senior research fellow at the Institute of East Asian Studies (CNRS, ENSL) with Bruno Faivre d'Arcier, Emeritus Professor in City Planning and Transport Studies at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Lyon (Lyon 2) and researcher at the Transport Urban Planning Economics Laboratory (LAET) , conference held in The Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB)  "Innovation in East Asia in Global Context: E-Mobility and Urban Systems".

Governments and cities are promoting e-mobility to reduce CO2 emissions and limit air pollution. Carsharing with Electric Vehicles (EVs) is seen as a way to boost EVs sales through the visibility it gives them, the role it could play in deploying a vast network of charging stations or thanks to the test-ing ground that it offers to people who, through use, are likely to reduce their apprehension about the limited autonomy and the length of charging time. Observations and interviews in Japan and in France, both late-com-ers with regard to the development of carsharing, however, show a very contrasting situation, whether it is the services offered (round-trip or one-way) or vehicles used (EVs, micro-EVs or conventional cars).Using empirical cases to analyze in both countries, the various factors explaining these differences, whether at the institutional or regulatory level, or in the strategy of the different public or private actors involved, the presentation will attempt to highlight the main obstacles to car-sharing expansion, especially car-sharing with EVs, and the conditions for its future development.

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