Reconstructing global slave trade: new data initiatives in slave trade and slavery studies

07 March 2021 par Admin IAO
7 avril 2021, de 14h-16h (CET)

Claude Chevaleyre, chargé de recherche CNRS, membre de l'IAO, présente le projet Exploring Slave Trade in Asia dans le Webinar Reconstructing global slave trade: new data initiatives in slave trade and slavery studies.

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Webinar Reconstructing global slave trade: new data initiatives in slave trade and slavery studiesThe importance of collecting and curating data on slave transportations, enslaved populations, markets and prices is undeniable for advancing research, generating new reconstructions and unlocking archival sources to a wider public.

Scholars of Atlantic slave trade have been pioneers in such data initiatives. In order to advance Asian slave trade and slavery studies, a growing network of scholars is working towards a collaborative Indian Ocean and maritime Asian slave trade database.

During this webinar, new database models will be discussed and compared with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database. Experts on both Indian Ocean and Atlantic slave trade will address recent developments in the field and explore ways forward.

The webinar is part of the project “Exploring Slave Trade in Asia”.