Julien Hanoteau is Associate Professor of Sustainable Development Economics, holding a PhD in Economics from Sciences-Po Paris. His research areas include carbon policies, corruption, development, and entrepreneurship, multinational firms, with a main empirical focus on Indonesia. He has worked as an expert for international organizations on topics such as climate adaptation strategies or market-based environmental policies. His recent publications appear in Social Indicators Research, Papers in Regional Science, World Development, Eurasian Business Review, The Pacific Review.
Domaines disciplinaires / Discipline
Environment and development economics
Spécialité / Area of research specialisation
Corruption, entrepreneurship, development, lobbying, carbon policy
Projets de recherche / Research projects
E-procurement and corruption in Indonesia
Salignac F, Hanoteau J, and I Ramia (2021) “Financial resilience: A way forward towards economic development in developing countries”, Social Indicators Research, forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-021-02793-6
Hanoteau J, Pawitan G, and V Vial V (2021) “Does social capital reduce petty corruption? Indonesian evidences”, Papers in Regional Science, 100(3), 651-670. DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12588
Hanoteau J, and V Vial (2020) “Institutional quality, conforming and evasive entrepreneurship”, Eurasian Business Review 10(1), 97-121. DOI :10.1007/s40821-020-00151-z
Vial V, and J Hanoteau (2019) “The sustained incremental multi-actor multi-action building of South Korean soft power in Indonesia”, The Pacific Review 32(1), 56–75. Doi 10.1080/09512748.2017.1419277
Wahyuningtyas YS, Hanoteau J and V Vial (2018) “The role of entrepreneurial networks in entrepreneurial ecosystems: the case of Startuplokal in Jakarta”, Global Business and Organization Excellence 37(6), 22-29, DOI: 10.1002/joe.21889
Vial V, and J Hanoteau (2015) “Returns to micro-entrepreneurship in an emerging economy: A quantile study of entrepreneurial Indonesian households’ welfare”, World Development 74, 142-157.
Hanoteau J, and V Vial (2015) “Grease or sand the wheel? Individual bribes effect on the drivers of aggregate productivity growth”, Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business.
Vial V, and J Hanoteau (2010) “Corruption, manufacturing plant growth and the Asian paradox: Micro-level evidence from Indonesia”, World Development 38(5), 693-705.
Publications en ligne/ Online publication
Hanoteau J and V Vial (2018) “Making Indonesia 4.0’ and supporting digital startups is good, but what about the small low-tech entrepreneurs?”, The Conversation, April 10th, https://theconversation.com/making-indonesia-4-0-and-supporting-digital-startups-is-good-but-what-about-the-small-low-tech-entrepreneurs-93863 (also translated in Indonesian).
Langues étrangères pratiquées / Languages
Curriculum Vitae
Consulter le CV de Julien Hanoteau (English version)