Assistant Research Fellow of Institute of West-Asian and African Studies(IWASS),Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Courriel : violette2008[at]

Photo_Meng Jin
Meng Jin

Got B.A. degree in french literature at University of Technology in Hebei in 2009 and M.A. degree in french practical linguistics in Foreign Affairs University in 2012. From 2010 to 2011, studied in Academy of Diplomacy of Vietnam and got M.A degree in political sciences before studying in University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and got Ph.D. degree in political sciences with theme “Contribution of China and the International Organization of la Francophonie to peace-building in French-speaking Africa: the cases of Mali Ivory Coast and Sengal”. From July 2017 till now, being an assistant research fellow in IWASS.

Domaines disciplinaires / Discipline 

Science politique

Spécialité / Area of research specialisation 

Relations internationales

Projet de recherche / Research projects

Africa’s Political development


« La voie chinoise au croisement des routes : une idée qui fait son chemin », Paix et Sécurité européenne et internationale (PSEI), n° 6, 2017.

« Gestion des conflits et consolidation de la paix en Afrique francophone, regards croisés de la Chine et de la Francophonie », Revue internationale des francophonies, n° 9 , 2017.

“The Role of the International Organization of Francophonie in the Conflicts Management in Africa”, French Studies, n ° 3, 2017.

«Le développement et l’intégration régionale en Afrique, une dimension dans les coopérations sino-africaines», Revue Internationale des Francophonies, n°10, 2018.

« Sécurité climatique. La Chine et la gouvernance climatique. La redéfinition d’une politique. », Paix et Sécurité Européenne et Internationale, n°9, 2018.

“ Social Responsibility Report of Chinese Enterprises in Africa”, Beijing, China Social Sciences Press, 2018.

“The Role of the Medias in the Governance in Africa”, Chinese Journal of Social Sciences, no1762, 2019.

“Characteristics of Senegalese Party’s System ”, Contemporary Word and Socialism, no6, 2019.

“Historical Review of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Guinea”,  Contemporary China History Studies, no4, 2020.

“Exploration on the Political Stability in the Process of Democratization in Senegal: Perspectives of State and Society”, no5, 2021

Langues étrangères pratiquées

Français, anglais, chinois