Professor, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Law and Politics
Séjour de recherche à l’IAO : 9-31 mars 2019
Courriel : kr.iokibe[at]gmail.com

Kaoru Iokibe

Born near Kobe, Japan, moved to Tokyo since undergraduate. Trained in Tokyo University and has published two monographs, one for the development of political opposition and the other for the restoration of sovereignty of Meiji Japan (SEE Publications). Recently research interest stretches to several other fields, coediting books about past and present of local governance, history of historical memory, etc. Going to publish a monograph this summer on the history of political lies and resistance against them in the form of rhetoric and literature.

Domaines disciplinaires / Discipline
Japanese Political & Diplomatic History

Projet de recherche/ Research projects
– Revision of “Unequal Treaties” in the 19th century
– Party politics of prewar Japan
– Political deception in Meiji era

2011 PhD (Law), University of Tokyo


Only monograph books;
Joyaku Kaisei Shi: Hokenkaifuku no Tenbo to Nashonarizumu [Meiji Treaty Revision: Prospect for a Unified Jurisdiction and Nationalism], Yuhikaku, 2010. (in Japanese, under translation into English)
Okuma Shigenobu to Seito Seiji: Fukusu Seitosei no Kigen, 14th year of Meiji-3rd year of Taisho [Okuma Shigenobu and Party Politics: Origins of the Multi-Party System, 1881-1914], Tokyo University Press, 2004. (in Japanese)

Curriculum Vitae

– 1992.04-1996.03 University of Tokyo (Undergraduate, Law Faculty)
– 1996-1999 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo
– 1999-2001 Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo
– 2001-2007 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Tokyo Metropolitan University
– 2007-2014 Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
– 2014 (-Present) Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo