Hironao IWATA

Professor, School of Business Administrator, Senshu University, Japan
Séjour de recherche à l’IAO : 1er mars 2020 - 28 février 2021
Courriel : hiwata[at]isc.senshu-u.ac.jp

Hironao Iwata
Hironao Iwata

Hironao IWATA is a professor of the School of Business Administration at Senshu University, Japan and a director of Japanese Association of Management Accounting. He specializes in management accounting and intangibles management. He has researched on the impact of corporate reputation on firms’ performance more than 10 years. Recently he stretches his research interest to several other fields, i.e. management control systems in SMEs, local revitalization in Japan and accounting education. His recent publication is “Strategy Cascading for Regional Revitalization in Japan”(Accounting Study (Kaikeigaku Kenkyu), vol.45, 2019).  Further, he has been playing an active role and makes his important contribution in the international project: ‘The development and spread of bookkeeping  education in Lao PDR’ as a member of Institute for the Development of Social Intelligence at Senshu University.

Domaines disciplinaires / Discipline
Business Administration

Spécialité/ Area of research specialisation
Management Accounting

Projet de recherche/ Research projects
The title of the research project is “Competitiveness Clusters and SMEs’ Performance in France.”

Langues étrangères pratiquées / Languages
Japanese, English

Site Web/ Personal Website

Curriculum Vitae
Consulter le CV de Hironao Iwata