Professor, Depaqrtment of Law, Gakushuin University, Japon
Séjour de recherche à l’IAO : 25 janvier 2023 - 20 Février 2023
Courriel : michimimjp[at]yahoo.co.jp

Professor of International Politics ar the Department of Law of Gakushuin University. Interests in War, Genocide, Human Rights. Recent publications includes a book on the Rohingya question in Myanmar, and a book on the abduction of Japanese by North Korea.

Domaines disciplinaires / Discipline

Political Science

Spécialité / Area of research specialisation

Myanmar-Rakhine, Vietnam, North Korea, human rights and democratization

Objectif / Purpose of stay

Research on the European policies to Myanmar

Projet de recherche/ Research projects

French Policies toward Changing Myanmar 2011―2021


Books (sole author)

(1) The Trouble of Yokozuna Asashoryu –Japan’s Dignity Shining in the Declining Sun(「朝青龍の災難,  Amazon Kindle 2013  in Japanese) 

(2) On Japan-US Security Alliance and the Okinawa Question (「論日米安保関係和沖縄問題, 香港天馬出版有限公司, 臧宇世俊訳, Hong Kong, 2013, in Chinese)

(3) The “Story” of the Rohingya and the Japanese Government, (「ロヒンギャの『物語』と日本政府」  Seizansha, Tokyo 2020 in Japanese )

(4) The Abduction Issue and the Japan- North Korea Relations (「拉致問題と日朝関係」Shukosha, Tokyo 2021 in Japanese)

(5)  9/11 and WMD; Who Helped Whom?  (「9/11とWMD: 誰が, 誰を, 助けたか」,  Seizansha Tokyo  2022 in Japanese)

Books (co-authorship)

50 Years after the War and the Future of Japan” (「戦後50年とこれからの日本」, Sakurada Jun et.al. Yomiuri Shinbun, 1996)

 ‟Modern Society‟   (「現代社会」High-school textbook in Japanese, ed. by Hidekazu Kawai, Kyouiku Shuppan, Tokyo 1999-2010)

A Time-series Analysis of the Economic Assistance to Rwanda in the 1990s  (「1990年代のルワンダに対する国際援助の時系列分析と評価」The Foundation for the Advanced Studies of International Development(FASID )/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Michimi Muranushi and Megumi Hirayama, Japan 2001)

The Rise of China and International Relations  (「台頭中国の国際関係」 Nakai Yoshihumi et. al. Ochanomizu Shobo, Tokyo 2009)

China’s Policy to the Korean Peninsula  (「中国の対韓半島政策」Nakai Yoshihumi et. all. Ochanomizu Shobo,  Tokyo 2014)

China’s Southward Policy  (「中国の南向政策」Nakai Yoshihumi et. al. Ochanomizu Shobo, Tokyo 2020)