Soocheol LEE

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Meijo University
Séjour de recherche à l’IAO : 1er avril - 30 juin 2019
Courriel : slee[at]

Photo Soocheol Lee
Soocheol LEE

Soocheol Lee is a professor of Faculty of Economics, Meijo University in Japan. He graduated from Seoul National University in Korea and got PhD at the Graduate School of Kyoto University.
He had worked for Federation of Korean Industry as a team leader of Economic Research Department for about 10 years before he came to Japan in 1994.

He has researched desirable energy and environmental policy design for sustainable low carbon economy of East Asia more than 25 years. He has conducted many projects as a leader supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japanese Government and a leader of REEPS, has published many articles and books on this field. His recent publication as leading editor will be 「Environment, Energy and Economic Sustainability in East Asia:Policy and Institutional Reform」Routledge, London, 2019(forth comming).

Spécialité/ Area of research specialisation
Environmental Economics and Policy in East Asia base.

Projet de recherche/ Research projects
Transition of Energy,Resources and Land Use toward Locarbon Sustainable East Asia(2016~2019, supported by Ministry of Education and Science)

PhD. at  Kyoto University, Japan
Bachelor at Seoul National Univeristy, Korea


Objectif/Purpose of stay
Study on nuclear safety regulation between Japan and France toward nuclear saftey society

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